Basic Policy

We hope to provide a new space for inspiring and enriching life in the beautiful natural landscape.
Therefore, we need to take concrete actions to make the best use of the Earth's limited resources, to protect the environment, and to value people's precious lives.

Environmental burden

Aiming at the harmony between human and nature, we pursue the minimization of environmental burden, and plan green design process for energy (resource) saving and waste reduction measures.

Environmental burden

Working environment

Properly regulate the management of waste and the maintenance of operational safety to create a healthy, safe and comfortable working environment.

Working environment

Environmental Regulations

Commitment to comply with environmental regulations and other requirements to establish the concept of pollution prevention.

Environmental Regulations

Management system

Establish an "environmental management system" for all business activities to continuously improve the quality of environmental protection activities.

Management system

Public information

Coordinate with community and organizations to jointly promote environmental activities. We will make timely announcements about our environmental information and benefits.

Public information

Company culture

We build a company culture that values health and the environment through educational inspiration activities and environmental improvement activities.

Company culture